Living Well 4 Life Center Blog

10 Tips for Holiday Eating

10 Tips for Holiday Eating

10 Tips for Holiday Eating The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends. Unfortunately, for many it also becomes a time for over-eating and weight gain. According to the National Institutes of Health, holiday eating can result in an extra pound or two every year. Over a lifetime, holiday weight gain…

6 Ways to Manage Stress Naturally in Hillsborough

6 Ways to Manage Stress Naturally in Hillsborough

6 Ways to Manage Stress Naturally in Hillsborough Stress, we all have it but how we deal with it will affect our health greatly. According to the Mayo Clinic 70% of doctor visits and 80% of serious illnesses are exacerbated or linked to stress. Stress damages you I have been practicing 18 years in Hillsborough. I’ve…

Hillsborough Chiropractor Provides 5 Tips To Not Getting The Flu This Season

Hillsborough Chiropractor Provides 5 Tips To Not Getting The Flu This Season

Hillsborough Chiropractor Provides 5 Tips ToNot Getting The Flu This Season As fall season begins, we usher in cooler temps, sweater vests, pumpkin everything, and of course the dreaded cold and flu season. Is it me, or is every year supposed to be the worst year ever for some sort of bird flu, swine flu,…

Natural Ways to Boost you Immume System in Hillsborough

Natural Ways to Boost you Immume System in Hillsborough

Natural Ways to Boost you Immume System in Hillsborough Allergies in Hillsborough are a sign that your immune system is working in overdrive. Congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes can make you feel awful and disrupt your quality of life. According to the Centers for Disease Control, allergies can’t generally be prevented, but allergic reactions can be. Many…

Water Or Coffee, Which One is Healthier For You?

Water Or Coffee, Which One is Healthier For You?

Water Or Coffee, Which One is Healthier For You? You Might Be Surprised Of The Answer Water! Water makes up more than 70 percent of your body’s tissues and plays a role in nearly every body function from regulating temperature and cushioning joints to bringing oxygen to the cells and removing waste from the body.…

How to Tell if You Have Hunch Back Syndrome in Hillsborough

How to Tell if You Have Hunch Back Syndrome in Hillsborough

How to Tell if You Have Hunch Back Syndromein Hillsborough In today’s society we do entirely too much sitting. Top Hillsborough chiropractor explains how sitting too long with bad posture creates a condition known as Hunched Back Syndrome also referred to as upper cross syndrome or simply put mid back pain. Symptoms of Hunched Back…