Hillsborough Chiropractor Explains That Your Hips Don’t Lie
Hillsborough Chiropractor Explains That Your Hips Don't Lie

As a society, we spend hours sitting in a classroom, office, or car, at school or at home, and during breakfast, lunch and dinner. This lengthy time spent sitting contributes to a lack of hip mobility, due to tight hip muscles, especially hip flexors. Hip mobility is very important, to decrease the stress and strain on the lower back, knees and other parts of the body. It’s a common cause of lower back pain, sciatica and knee/hip pain. We often see patients that come to us at Living Well 4 Life Center in Hillsborough struggling with painful tendinitis of the hip and knees because of poor flexibility.
4 Simple Stretches to help with hip pain:
- Butterfly stretch
- Pigeon stretch
- Spiderman stretch
- Fire hydrants
These are great ways to release tension that builds up from prolonged sitting and poor posture. Whether you spend 5-7 minutes before or after your workout, to do these stretches, or do these movements during commercial breaks during your nightly TV/homework routine, this small amount of time is all it takes. If you commit to a daily routine in Hillsborough, the results will follow.
Make a commitment to stretch!
I for one, admit to past struggles with poor hip mobility. It’s a result of not stretching before exercise, standing in a bent legged posture while adjusting all day to lessen the strain on my back and ………getting older! This led to hamstring pulls, and tendinitis of my iliotibial band (ITB). I’ve committed to stretching my hamstrings, quads, ITB’s, hip flexors and piriformis muscles. My “WHY” is because I still want to exercise and I don’t want to suffer an injury.
Please help us help you. Better mobility, leads to better adjustments, which leads to better health!! Ask for a Buddy Pass (no charge), so our trainers at Living Well 4 Life Center can show you how to perform these stretches and other posture rehab exercises. Happy stretching!!!