Hillsborough Chiropractor Provides 5 Tips To Not Getting The Flu This Season
Hillsborough Chiropractor Provides 5 Tips To
Not Getting The Flu This Season

As fall season begins, we usher in cooler temps, sweater vests, pumpkin everything, and of course the dreaded cold and flu season. Is it me, or is every year supposed to be the worst year ever for some sort of bird flu, swine flu, or goat plague? Inevitably the media will terrify us to run to the first pharmacy for our yearly flu shot that is supposed to protect you and your family from certain death. And make sure to stock up cold medication!
First of all, no matter how hard you try to avoid germs and viruses you are surely going to be exposed. Take it from me that as a chiropractor in Hillsborough I’m in close contact with people all day long. I’m exposed way more than most people on a daily basis and I rarely get sick.
The key is to keep your immune system strong.
Here are 5 tips to ensure a healthier immune system and to avoid getting sick this season.
- Take it easy on the sugar. Sugar makes you sick, makes you fat, and makes you dumb. Really. But it tastes so damn good! I know. It tickles our brain and makes us feel good too. But once it hits your tongue, a drip of feel-good hormone enters your bloodstream and makes you want more. Yes, it’s as addicting as a drug. And the consequences are numerous. In our discussion here, it contributes to suppressing our immune functions by giving the bad guys super-fuel (bacteria, viruses). So it’s ok to eat sugar on occasion, but don’t make it a daily habit. This includes all refined flour, sugar, juices, and most processed foods. Instead choose, healthy proteins, veggies, fruits, starches, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats from avocado, olive, coconut.
- Soak up some sun. 20 minutes of sun exposure on your body per day will ensure that your vitamin D are stores are topped up. At Living Well 4 Life Center in Hillsborough we recommend that during the winter months that a maintenance dose of 2000-5000 IU per day is taken. Vitamin D is critical for optimal white blood cell function thus helping your fight off invaders and keep you super immune.
- Reduce your stress load.To reduce mental stress, my best outlet is exercise. For others, it might be something more relaxing like meditation but I like to kill 2 birds with one stone. Exercise maintains healthy physiology aiding in keeping your energy stores high for dealing with outside stressors, and I find that my mental stress and mood are improved when I exercise regularly.
- Stay hydrated.Instead of an extra cup of coffee, juice, or beer – drink some water. Ideally filtered water that is chlorine and fluoride free. This is especially important when you are constantly moving from cold to hot environments since it dries us out easily. This one is a no-brainer.
- Lastly, take extra measure to promote your health despite our unnatural stressors that are inevitable in our world such as excessive sitting, environmental toxins, and long work days.
Quick Tips for Doing well:
- Take daily supplements: Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Probiotics, Vitamin C, Zinc
- Sleep at minimum 7 hours per night: Major importance for optimal recovery and immune health
- Get regular chiropractic adjustments at Living Well 4 Life Center in Hillsborough – A common benefit from patients who are adjusted on a regular basis is that they are sick less often, sleep better, and have better energy!