Chiropractor in Hillsborough Provides The 4 Risk Factors of Poor Health
Chiropractor in Hillsborough Provides The
4 Risk Factors of Poor Health

The following 4 risk factors are known as the deadly quartet:
- Upper body obesity
- Glucose intolerance or chronic elevated blood sugar
- Hypertriglyceridemia or elevated blood fats
- Hypertension or high blood pressure
Why does this matter?
If you have any of these risk factors this can lead to bad news for your long-term health. Two of them, and you’re surely on your way to insulin resistance and Diabetes or some form of chronic illness in the future.
If you have 3 of these, then you have what is called Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X. Artery walls start to clog, your cells start to age rapidly, and all body functions begin to struggle. To name only a few, syndrome X can lead to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, comorbidity, or even death.
If you have all 4 risk factors of the deadly quartet, this is what I call a ticking time-bomb.
As you can see, with every risk factor your chance of a major adverse health event increases significantly. To be transparent, your time on this earth will be cut short, your hard-earned money will be spent on managing medical conditions, and you will become a burden to your loved ones. I am yet to meet somebody who wants any of these awful fates.
The Good News
All 4 of these risk factors are preventable and even reversible. It’s never too late to alter your future and your quality of life.
The first step is finding out if you have any of these risk factors.
Upper Body Obesity
You are considered at risk for obesity if you have any of the following measurements:
- Men: Waist over 40 inches, BMI over 30, Body fat % above 28
- Women: Waist over 35 inches, BMI over 30, Body fat % above 30
Glucose Intolerance
You are considered at risk for pre-diabetes if you have any of the following measurements:
- Fasting blood sugar over 95 mg/dl, Insulin over 8uIU/ml, HOMA-IR above 1.5, HbA1c over 5.5%
You are considered at risk for high triglycerides if you have any of the following measurements:
- TG greater than 150 mg/dl, or TG/HDL ratio greater than 2.0
You are considered at risk for hypertension if your diastolic blood pressure measures greater than 90 mmHg
All of these tests and MUCH more are included in what is called a Wellness Score (hyperlink to Wellness score on MVWC) at MVWC. Not only can we determine if you have any of the risk factors of the deadly quartet, we also provide the solutions to reversing these conditions permanently without harmful drugs or surgery.
If you or any of your loved ones are concerned that they might carry any of these risk factors don’t hesitate to call the office at (908) 431-7700 today to get your wellness score!